Meeting & Greeting at the New England Authors Expo

June 30, 2019



Yesterday we participated in the 2019 New England Authors Expo in Haverhill, MA. Met so many great people — writers, publishers, readers — and even traded a few books.

Our booth featured a glowing lantern to set the stage for Tory Roof and Silver Line. For those who have read the books, you’ll recall that a lantern signals Terrence’s return in the first book, and that Red uses a lantern in the Mattie Howe mine, in the second.

We also created a loop of 35 screens (am calling these “Visual Excerpts”) to help illustrate the first story.  Here are a few examples:



To watch the presentation in its entirety, click here:

Powerpoint of Tory Roof Slide show FULL SCREEN

I’ve saved it as a PDF, so you will have to advance it manually, but you will not need Powerpoint to view.