Tory Roof is in Reedsy’s Discovery feed — Please vote!

June 11, 2019

We’re excited!  Tory Roof is appearing as a “to-be-discovered book” on Reedsy’s Discovery platform. This is a great resource for authors and readers alike — celebrating new work, bringing it to the attention of the public, and giving book enthusiasts an inside scoop.

This week, Tory Roof is being introduced under Historical Fiction. (If the cover image does not appear, simply click “Recent” at the top right)

Readers can enjoy a chapter by clicking through, can follow the author, buy the book, or simply Like it. The more “up votes” an author receives, the better the chance for additional publicity.

So, folks, please give us an Up Vote if you’re so inclined.  Here’s a link to my personal Reedsy page if you’d prefer to go there directly.  Thanks!